Wednesday, April 20, 2005

Missing: presumed playing GTA

Regular readers will know that the user known as "uberpause", real name Christobald Ketch, has contributed much in the way of comments and well wishes on this blog.

Following a mysterious message on his blog, Chris has been uncontactable. The only clue was a message I recieved via encrypted email this evening: it contained only this photo:

Who is this girl? Is it perhaps his boyservant Pip dressed as a lady? Can you help? Have you seen them?

Thank you. And please, don't have nightmares.


Abaculus said...


I recall leaving no post since Monday. Am I too, now, having a fugue? Let me just check in a separate browser window...

[brings up The Awkward Pause; reads; sits aghast and agog]

What the devil?!?


Loyal readership, we have intruders. Rumours of my fictitiousness are greatly exaggerated. Someone will pay for this!

PS And who on earth is that girl? I've never seen her in my life...

Abaculus said...

Oh, and it's Chrispin, not Christobald; that was my great-uncle, the one with the glass eye.

Tom said...

Very good. Someone's been reading The New York Trilogy. Not me though. I've just been watch DVDs of The Day Today