Thursday, June 08, 2006

Zuton Fever

I saw the Zutons on Tuesday, and I can highly, Highly, recommend them. Damn good music, and I haven't danced like a fool so much in ages. Can't say I appreciated their new stuff as much, but it might be that I just enjoyed the tracks I knew more. The club we saw them at (Fri-Son, in Fribourg) was a hilarious hole of a place, complete with a giant skull-shaped mirrorball.

Project Sakrileg is almost ready to go live, as I've nearly finished the prologue (this thing is much harder than I'd anticipated) but it'll have to wait until next week, as tonight I head off to Poland to see my brother. Since tomorrow is the start of the World Cup and Poland's first match (against Ecuador). I don't know what the best thing that can happen is, but wish me luck.