Monday, February 21, 2005

Die Aussparung auf Deutschland, Kapitel 1: Aussparung ist unheimlich Dummkopf

So, I am in Dresden, on a workshop whose aim is to banish bureacracy in proof theory.

This has largely been an excercise in me humiliating myself with poorly remembered german, until mid-morning, when the actual academic stuff began.

So far Dresden is not the hole I was led to believe it was (it is, for example, infinitely preferable from an architectural point of view to Turku, Finland), but my experience food-wise has been variable. I did find a shop selling organic bratwurst(also blutwurst), so only best before dates and prudence can limit how much of that I bring back. Canteen food is, naturally, dreadful.

But one of my hosts handed me a tourist leaflet containing the only thing you'll ever need to know, gastronomically, about Saxony.

I give you Pfund's Molkerei, *the world's largest cheese shop*.

Bis Bald,

Aussparung (Omission)


Omission said...

Ah. Apparently not the largest. Just the "most beautiful". WHat is the Guinness Book of Records coming to?


Tom said...

Hullo, said Thomas. I have read the bit of Kitchen Confidential where he talks about St John (or is that in A Cook's Tour? At any rate, my interest in Bourdain really stretches as far as his obsession with Fergus Henderson. But I should reasd more. And the Les Halles cookbook has just come out too.