Monday, August 29, 2005


Clearly my blogging goes through some kind of cycle: even though there are exciting food-related things going on in my life at the moment, I feel much more inclined to talk about music:

First up though: I spent an excellent few days in Belfast, partly with Will and partly at a wedding. In particular, we spent a fine evening getting drunk and listening to the Rundgren. Belfast is a fine city, and home to the UK's finest coffee :Clement's.

But, onto music. First of all, a fantastic track by Tom Waits that can be downloaded
from the web: Step right up

Secondly, Tuva's premiere throat singing rock band, Yat Kha - listen to their cover of "LOve will tear us apart" and weep.

Thirdly, I have discovered the genre "Math rock", typified by odd time-signatures and dissonant harmonies. Don Caballero is math rock, apparently. It's all a bit shit, but I'm finding some gems. Not sure if I'll be drunk enough in the near future to try "Mathcore" though.

I might start referring to myself as Mathcore...

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