1) A man selling 500 dollar panama hats at a festival is unlikely to be doing much business
2) I look stupid in a typical British festival hat
3) Festivals in Europe are not like Glastonbury (at least, like my conception of Glastonbury). Case in point: at least five stalls selling distincty non-hippy-food in the form of Foie Gras.
4) Arcade Fire are amazing live: any band that has a pipe organ installed on stage is O.K. by me. (Look, you can see it just to the left of the hurdy gurdy!)

5) If there's a crowd three times as big as you expected to see the headline act, go around the side, because apparently your average festival goer only things in one dimension, which is "forward, grr, hn".

7) It is nigh-on impossible to sleep in a tent, wrapped in an emergency foil blanket, while Francophone amnesiacs play thumb pianos and yell all around you. Fact.
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