So, what's small, hairy and has eight legs?
Nope, not a bird-eating spider
(picture removed to spare the faint of heart
*looks in vague direction of Ealing*)
But these guys
These are our dogs.
We've had them just over a week now, and they are providing us with headaches and smiles in equal proportions. They're both two-and-a-half years old, and we have taught them to sit. We have emphatically not been able to teach them to walk, dutifully, by their master and mistress, and some bugger clearly taught them how to dislocate the wrists of anyone foolish to hold their leads before we got to them.
Nevertheless, they are a welcome addition to the Omission family, and no doubt will feature in many of the forthcoming updates to this blog.
Awwwwwww! Ealing Tragedy wuv de cuddly doggly-wogglingtons!
Seriously, what with the knife and the hat and the gloves and now this, I am very jealous.
Hmm. 'Thou shalt not covet thy neighbour's dog, hat, gloves and kitchen knife'.
I too am envious of these fine dogs. Also I thought you might enjoy this, which I stumbled upon this morning. Make sure you scroll down to see the badges. Needless to say I could earn none of them.
Depending on how much A-level experience counts, I'm entitled to four or six of these badges, I think. I'll confirm later when I have more time.
Tom, weren't you going to get a dog?
Yes, we decided that our apartment was a bit small -- and then we got engaged and decided that planning a wedding was enough tasks to be getting on with.
By the way, why does one of your dogs have eyes on its back?
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